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Jax Wolf

Hello! I never quite know how to talk about myself very well so I'm just going to tell you a bit of my story. Since I was very young I never connected with the "normal" way of viewing life, I was always a dreamer, a wanderer, always searching for that extra something more that I always knew was there hidden just out of sight. Growing up I never bought into the regular way of doing things, I was always marching to the beat of my own drum and surrounding myself with others who did the same. The realm of the metaphysical, the mystical, always appealed to me more than anything else thrown in front of me. I believed in spirits, in the Earth and her energies, of beings that live beyond our skies. I just never quite knew what to fully do with this sacred inner knowing.


Then I met Sara Reeves, owner of MetaphysicalU(MPU), through a popular paranormal podcast here in Austin, TX. She immediately took me under her wing and shone light on all of the paths that had been obscured by the shadows. Armed with newly invigorated curiosity and a growing(sometimes insatiable) thirst for knowledge, I was on my way. My journey has been an exciting one filled with unexpected twists and turns that always leave me right where I need to be to take my next step down that next path. One of my favorite paths thus far and one I have leapt into wholeheartedly is the fascinating world of energy healing. I discovered I was a natural born intuitive healer, able to call on all sorts of spiritual allies that I've found on my adventures to assist me. From Archangels to crystals, from dragons to elementals, to those not of this planet at all...I'm able to connect with them all during a healing session if needed! Energy healing has been such a fulfilling ability I've been able to tap into and I forever hold gratitude in my heart for it. Now I'm able to share all of it with those in need of a little help along their own unwinding journeys!


If you're curious about opening yourself up and fine tuning your own abilities please reach out to myself or the rest of my MetaphysicalU team for guidance. We'll do everything in our power to help set you on your own path of never-ending discovery!


Education and Certifications

MetaphysicalU Training

Sara has been absolutely essential in my training from the very beginning. This will always be an ongoing exchange of energy and learning!

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Certification

I'm a certified QHHT practitioner and I've completed both Levels 1 & 2 of training. Level 3 is on the horizon!

Access Bars

I'm a certified practitioner of the Access Bars method of healing.


A little extra...

If you've made it this far and are still curious then I'll tell you a bit more. I'll tell you that I'm a practicing witch, consider myself a druid and I like to talk to trees/dragons/the elements/ETs/etc. My arms are decorated with tattoos, my hair is almost always windblown and I don't currently do yoga- though I'm sure I could benefit from it quite a lot! Sometimes in this modern day world of healing I think a lot of healers try to put forth a polished "perfect" version of themselves because they think that's what is necessary or expected. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course! But that's not me.


I believe in the Earth, I like to go outside barefoot and dig my hands in the soil and feel everything. I like to converse with the wind and read flickering flames and touch base with ancestors using the divination of rocks and sticks and leaves. When I begin a healing I bring all of that with me, I bring the forces of Mother Earth in all of her glory. Nothing is more healing than nature and our birthright to use her energies for good. I'm not healing you, I'm guiding you through a healing, there's a huge difference. I'm just the facilitator. There's a healer out there for everyone and you may absolutely want to gravitate toward a different style that feels more meant for you, but if I'm what you're looking for please reach out and connect. If you're still reading this then you're probably here for a reason, after all.

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